Sunday, August 21, 2011

Stay Safe for Someone Else's Sake

I get told to "Be Safe," "Drive Safe," "Stay Safe," etc. A LOT. Probably because I enjoy things like rock climbing, mountain biking, hiking, mountain climbing, downhill skiing, ice climbing, rollerblading, and hitch-hike in developing countries.

My reply is usually "I have to much living to do to die young." And its true, but there is also another reason that I'm very careful when I'm out and about - Others. During my drive from Maine to Arizona, I listened to NPR. A lot. They did a story about two ice climbers who got lost on Mount Washington, NH for 3 days. Once they were rescued, they found out that a search and rescue person had been killed in an avalanche while looking for them. This was devastating for them, that their mistake had costs someone else his life.

And that is my biggest fear, not for myself, but for others. I do my best to reduce my risk of getting lost or stranded so that others do not have to risk their lives to rescue me.

To those who worry about me, relax a bit, I'm staying safe for the sake of others.

To those like me, stay safe for the sake of others.

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