Blessing for the Lighting of the Candles:
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
December 20
Blessing for the Lighting of the Candles:
Monday, December 19, 2011
December 19
Sunday, December 18, 2011
December 17
December 16th
December 15
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
December 14
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
December 13
Today has been cooler (I'd say cold, but after Maine, I don't think Phoenix will ever get truly cold!), I made Glühwein, and sipped that while making peppermint Christmas cookies, think Chocolate chip cookies but instead of chocolate chips, then had crushed peppermint candies in them. I melted chocolate on about half of them - yummy. I got to use my lovely orange Kitchen Aid, which might be my second favorite thing from Maine that I moved with me. Happy Tuesday.
Monday, December 12, 2011
December 12
Sunday, December 11, 2011
December 11
Saturday, December 10, 2011
December 10
Today I got (Clockwise), Mixed fingerling potatoes, Russian Red Kale, Rainbow Swiss Chard, carrots, striped beets, rosemary, and pink-lady apples. Yummy. All, except for the potatoes, are locally grown and organic. Love in the form of veggies!
Kale and Beet greens braised in tomato sauce with garlicy polenta dome. Yes, I eat well.
December 9
Thursday, December 8, 2011
December 8
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
December 7
December 6
December 5
This lovely Christmas card arrived as part of a package from a dear friend who knows me well enough to know that I would love the fact that the card was earth friendly.
Today I am thankful for that friend and for friends that know me and what things matter to me.
Thanks, Friend!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
December 4
I will finish the post with the words of Rich Mullins:
Well, sometimes my life
Just don't make sense at all
When the mountains look so big
And my faith just seems so small
So hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf
You have been King of my glory
Won't You be my Prince of Peace
December 3
December 2
Monday, November 28, 2011
Christmas ≠ Consumerism
It is probably my favorite holiday hands down. Glittery snowflake decorations (not much snow in the Sonoran Desert, not that I miss it!), sparkly lights, yummy cookies, the smell of cinnamon, ginger and cloves in the air. Times spent with close friends and family, enjoying each other’s company, playing games, just being - together. As a child and teen, I have fond memories of going out Christmas caroling to shut-ins, the hospital and nursing home. I still remember to happy faces of the older people, requesting a favorite carol, offer hugs and hot spiced cider. I can still sing the first, third, and fourth verses of most well known carols from memory to this day.
In my twenties, living away from my childhood home – I worked on making my own memories. In Washington, DC, I would also visit the Christmas display in front of the White House. I try to find a Christmas production of some type no matter when I live, the Nutcracker Ballet, Handel’s Messiah, a church’s Christmas play or musical. These are things I love and remember from year to year.
I hate mindless consumerism.
I have this urge to slap people when I hear the phrase ‘I need to buy Christmas.’
Christmas cannot be bought. Christmas is not things.
Since 2008, when a man was killed during the black Friday madness, I have boycotted shopping of any kind on that day. Thanksgiving (another holiday I love!) has been swallowed up and is now being referred to by some as “Gray Thursday” since many stores have started opening Thanksgiving evening. This makes me want to cry and scream and yell.
I am joining my voice with all the others, calling for an end to this madness. For an end of over extending of one’s finances, for the buying of cheap plastic things that break before the new year, for the waste, the greed.
Instead, make memories with friends and family. Make gifts (useful things!). Make Friends. Make Laughter. Share Joy and Hope and Love and Peace. Give. The Christmas I celebrate is about giving. Not getting. God gave His Son. The Wisemen gave gifts. The Sheppard’s gave their worship.
This season I will try to spend less, give more, create memories, and reach out to others on their own.
All my gifts this year will be created and/or handmade.
I will work towards giving more to those that truly need.
I will work to create memories with my friends and family and for myself since I will be spending the Christmas Season on my own (Don't worry, I'll have a crazy adventure planned as always!).
I will try to find other people on their own for the holidays and spend time with them.
Below is a video which gave me much to think about and will hopefully give you much to ponder as well.
May your season of Advent be filled with Hope, Joy, Peace, and Love.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Puffy Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes
1 cup whole wheat
1 tablespoon baking power
2 heaping tablespoons of brown sugar or sweetener of choice
1 teaspoon or so of cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice or your choice of spices
about 3/4 cup of pumpkin puree (NOT pie filling!)
about 1/3 cup of apple sauce
about 1.5 cups of almond milk or non-dairy milk of choice.
about 1/4 teaspoon of maple flavoring if you have it
OR 1 teaspoon vanilla
Put everything in a bowl and mix, add more or less milk to get a thick pancake batter. cook just like any other pancake. These will be thick and puffy if you use a thick batter. I ate them with pumpkin spice coffee and topped with (vegan) butter and brown-sugar syrup.
Brown Sugar Syrup - mix some brown sugar with a little bit of water so it "melts" then spread on warm pancakes.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Chatting with friends
L: sometimes, regardless of what other people think, we have to have standards and I think that having lenses in your glasses is a good standard to have.
Me: Oh, so the guy in the grocery store without lenses in his glasses - well I was 90% sure he was hitting on me, yet 95% he was gay... I'm so confused!
L: maybe lensless guy was confused too
Me: LOL probably and he was maybe 23
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Purple Streaked Hair? Why not!
So fast forward to Sunday:
I went to Sally Beauty Supply for some eye droppers (to measure out kitchen extracts of course:-)), and saw IT. Yup, lovely, purple-y semi-perminate hair dye. You bet I bought a tub. Once I got up I looked up directs for dyeing my hair, selected a large chunk behind my left ear and dyed.
I love it! Its more like purple-y highlights when the sun or light hits it then it is a true purple. Which is pretty much what I wanted - something purple-y that wouldn't get me looks from my co-workers and boss.
I know that if/when most people see it, they will ask "Why?" with a raised eyebrow. To which I will calmly reply: "Why not?" with a raised eye brow of my own (I've been practicing my "Why not?" look). It makes me happy. I love color, so why not add some to my hair? In a tasteful way. That won't get me fired or on a probation plan.
My challenge to you - do one "why not?" thing a week! Something that you've always wanted but not done because you're worried about what others will think. Mind that you stay in the laws and stay true to your moral and ethical leanings, but otherwise have fun! Enjoy the simple things like purple-tinted hair. Life is to full of pointless rules, don't impose more on yourself. You're never too old or too young or too this or to that, unless of course you make yourself "too."
And in other notes from the weekend - I now own a craigslisted bike and (new) climbing harness and etc from REI. Rocks, here I come!!!!!!!!!!
Live life to the fullest and "Why Not?"
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Its been a year!
Anyway, what's a vegan diet? A vegan is a person who doesn't eat animal products - meat, seafood, fish, dairy, eggs.
How to I put this into practice? I cook 100% vegan and feed whoever comes over for a meal vegan food, but I allow them to bring their own cheese, sour cream, butter, etc. I do this for me and my food choices should not be forced on others - I'm just happy to feed people a vegan or vegan based meal. Also, I do eat honey. As far as I know bees haven't been genetically modified, pumped full of antibiotics, or consume massive amounts of energy to raise. I also buy it locally from bee keepers in the area and believe that it helps support the immune system. I do make exceptions, if other people have prepared me a vegetarian meal but it has small amounts of dairy or eggs in it, I'm okay with that. My intention is to try and eat a vegan diet as much as possible, without being a jerk or wasteful. A few of my friend's mom's have made me veggie meals but cooked with dairy, a my cousin's uncle fixed a elaborate meal for us not knowing that I was vegan, so I picked out the veggies and called it good. This is not a political statement for me, so I'm okay bending the rules a bit from time to time.
Why did I make this chance? Well I have been trying to live a health live style, which I think, means eating very little if any meat and animal products. I also try to avoid all things artificial, over-processed and labeled "healthy." I also buy organic when I can afford it.This means that I cook, a lot, but I love it! Over time my reasons have changed from just wanting to be healthy to also wanting to use my food choices to mirror my world view. These now include - being green, giving up meat greatly reduces your carbon-foot print, uses less fossil fuel, increases the amount of plant-based food available to people. Good for me, Good for the Earth, Good for Others, Good for the Future:-)
Is it hard to eat out as a vegan? No, not for me. I order vegan from the menu, beans and rice, pasta with red sauce, cheese-less veggie pizza, french fries and steamed veggies, veggie burgers (not a fav, but eatable!), veggie sandwiches - hold the cheese and creamy sauces, etc. Most ice-cream places have at least one fruit sorbet as well. Since I decided to not worry about the tiny details when eating out, I've been okay. About 1 in 100 people are thought to be vegan, with about 1 in 30 being vegetarian, more and more restaurants are offering vegan/veggie options and all (even Taco Bell!) will modify your order to you specifications (no cheese on the bean burrito!). If you can veganize a dish in you head by removing one or two items, the order it and enjoy!
How long will you stay vegan? I don't know - this started out as a three, six at tops, month experiment to see if I could eat vegan and enjoy it. And you know what? I did, I do and I still love it. The first set of holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas, were a bit hard. Okay well I spent Thanksgiving in Canada solo, so I looked up a local vegan restaurant. Christmas was at a beach house with my family, so that was a bit trickier, but it worked. Everyone my friends and family, have been supportive and pitched in and eaten vegan with me when I've visited and cooked. My sister and I found the Loving Hut in her city and have enjoyed it a lot. So yeah, no plans to start eating animal products again any time soon. I also realize that I have the blessing of being single with a vegan-friendly guinea pig who happily shares kale, carrots, mango, grapefruit, cherries, cilantro, etc with me without asking for a steak or bacon (or maybe he does since I don't understand guinea pig).
So yeah, that's that in a nut shell. Well coconut shell:-) I'm going to try a post more of my vegan creations in the near future. As you can probably tell, this is something that is very near and dear to my heart. I believe in using food as a medicine. I believe that our food system is broken and that people are being poisoned by the food-like substances sold in grocery stores. This is my soap-box.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Stay Safe for Someone Else's Sake
My reply is usually "I have to much living to do to die young." And its true, but there is also another reason that I'm very careful when I'm out and about - Others. During my drive from Maine to Arizona, I listened to NPR. A lot. They did a story about two ice climbers who got lost on Mount Washington, NH for 3 days. Once they were rescued, they found out that a search and rescue person had been killed in an avalanche while looking for them. This was devastating for them, that their mistake had costs someone else his life.
And that is my biggest fear, not for myself, but for others. I do my best to reduce my risk of getting lost or stranded so that others do not have to risk their lives to rescue me.
To those who worry about me, relax a bit, I'm staying safe for the sake of others.
To those like me, stay safe for the sake of others.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Door = Slammed
Well, I got an email the other day from my boss saying that the position I had had here in Maine did not get refunded with the new grant and that as of December there would have been no job for me if I was still here.
After getting that email, my peace about moving to Arizona has tripled. I'm happy and excited about this move. Everything has lined up perfectly and its going to work out and be AWESOME:-)
Sometimes when God opens a door and you walk through it, it shuts the other door closed behind you so that can't look back and not focus on the future. God is good that way!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Its only money
I'm going to hope that this was someone who was really down on their luck and need money for food and rent. Also, Karma's a pain and what goes around comes around.
This of course happens in the middle of my quest to let go of things, reduce, and simply. I guess I needed to let go of some money and be reminded that I am truly blessed because I have enough to let go. In the future, I'd like to be in-charge of the letting go and the picking who it goes to though.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
A year
Feb 28, 2010 - completed my first Marathon in under 6 hours and had a blast though it was rough at points.
May 7, 2010 - graduated with my MPH in Epidemiology (no picture because I didn't go to the graduation ceremonies because I was to burned out from trying to finish everything so I could graduate on time).
August 28, 2010 - Arrived in Augusta, Maine to start work with the state (I'd never been to Maine, so why not just move there for a while - that was my thought behind the move!)
Okay so we're all caught up and back to the present in July 2011.
Almost a year ago I move from Florida to Maine. While I knew it was going to be a cold, dark, long winter, I still wasn't prepared. I did make it, though not always as gracefully as I'd have preferred.
I did learn may may things:
- how to shovel my car out of 18" of snow (okay - maybe it was only 12, but it seemed like 18" to this southern gal)
- that downhill skiing is awesome and scary and needs to be done repeatedly!
- when you're ice climbing you must trust the ice tools and crampons to work and keep you stuck on the ice
- that good friends/roommates are recommended for survival, but are required in my case (I love you all!)
- that sliding down hill backwards in my car is NOT fun (it was controlled so nothing was damaged and no one was hurt, but still!)
And most notably - that I was not made to thrive through cold, New England winters.
I will miss all the wonderful people that I have met here, but I'll be back - maybe for a ski trip or a cool week on a Maine lake. I'm like a bad penny - I always turn up!